Minggu, 29 Mei 2011


Anywhere Software offers a 50 percent discount for academic institutions wishing to use Basic4android for teaching students how to develop Android applications.

Due to its ease of usage for beginning developers the software has already gained growing popularity among various universities around the world, which are using it as part of their digital curriculum.

The new offer is part of the official launch of the new 1.5 version of Basic4android, which adds strong debugging capabilities to the already powerful features of Basic4andorid, enabling developers to quickly locate and reduce the number of bugs during the development process.

The debugger works with Google emulator and real devices over ADB or B4A-Bridge. The new feature allows developers to test their applications directly on all Android-based mobile and tablets devices.

The 1.5 version of basic4android also includes a new code module, DBUtils, which is aimed specifically at simplifying common tasks related to databases. The new code makes the whole process of integrating SQLite databases into programs much easier.

"The new version of Basic4android was primarily designed to further simplify the development of Android-based applications. By constantly adding special features, Basic4android has become an even more powerful tool for those wishing to quickly and efficiently develop new applications," said Erel Uziel, CEO of Anywhere Software. " with the new 1.5 version we push Android application development to the next level."

Bank Soal Web Programming (PHP)

Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang PHP, apa kelebihan bahasa pemrogramman PHP dibandingkan dengan bahasa pemrogramman yang lainnya?  Gambarka...